Jorgensen, Elizabeth and Jorgensen, Nancy. Go, Gwen, Go: A Family's Journey to Olympic Gold. Meyer & Meyer Sport. October 18, 2019.
Hacking Student Learning Habits: 9 ways to Foster Resilient Learners and Assess the Process, Not the Outcome (Times 10 Publications. April 21, 2022).
Jorgensen, Elizabeth. "I Stopped Grading Papers--And You Can, Too." The Wisconsin English Journal. Vol 62, Number 1. Spring 2020.
Hamilton, Heidi and Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “Review: Lessons Learned from the Special Education Classroom by Peg Grafwallner.” The Wisconsin English Journal. Vol 61, Number 1. Spring 2019. Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “Teaching Online: Challenges and Successes.” The Wisconsin English Journal. Vol 6, No. 1. Spring 2018. Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “The Power of Authentic Writing: Why College Essays Don’t Have a Rubric.” The Wisconsin English Journal. Vol 59, No 1-2. Fall 2017. Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “Guest Editor Introduction.” Symposium: Approaches to Teaching Creative Writing. The Wisconsin English Journal. Vol 59, No 1-2. Fall 2017. Hedderman, Richard and Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “Excavating the Soul: The Milwaukee Public Museum Student Poetry Competition.” The Wisconsin English Journal. Vol 59, No 1-2. Fall 2017. Hamilton, Heidi and Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “Accommodating All Students: A Co-Teaching Approach to Creative Writing.” The Wisconsin English Journal. Vol 59, No 1-2. Fall 2017. Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “Korean Poetry Competition Provides Opportunity for American Creative Writing Students.” The Wisconsin English Journal. Volume 58, Number 2. Fall 2016. Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “Advocates for Social Justice: Advanced Composition at Arrowhead Union High School.” The Wisconsin English Journal. Volume 49, Number 2. Spring 2007. Jorgensen, Elizabeth. “Creative Writing for 12th Graders: A Plan of Action.” The Wisconsin English Journal. Volume 49, Number 2. Spring 2007. Jorgensen, Elizabeth “What’s it like with all boys?” The Wisconsin English Journal. Volume 47, Number 1. Spring 2005. |